On behalf of myself and all my Wiccan friends, I'd like to propose a few ideas:
1. Your practice and beliefs are valid and need no justification, especially not to faceless online disinhibited conformists who aren't sure, in the first place, why they feel the need to disrespect you. Be proud of your path.
2. Truth can be found everywhere, including in Wiccan rituals, Esbats, and Sabbats. But less truth is found in things that are heavily marketed and trendy. Look beyond "self-care Wicca" and the latest 101 Wicca books that are styled to appeal to frivolous people. Read the superficial-seeming books, too, by the way. Sometimes books that seem fluffy on the surface can teach you a lot.
3. Wicca, at its best, is a mystery religion and a difficult magical-philosophical practice. It can be Hermetic (very much like the way I practice), ceremonial, folk-styled, pagan devotional, etc. At its worst, it's a trendy mass-marketed new age dumpster for lifestyle publishers trying to make a buck. You get to choose which of these it is for you. Know when to be dead serious and when to laugh. If you can't poke fun at your own practice, you need to lighten up. If you cant stand before the gods with absolute reverence and love, you need to rededicate yourself. You are free, in this as in all things, to chart your own path and seek your own level. It's your business.
4. As hard as it is to walk the path of Wicca and stay on it, you also have far fewer rules and restrictions than you think. Don't be afraid to get real weird and push boundaries of ritual and personal practice. "Bell, book, and candle" leaves a lot of space for individuality and personal expression. The so-called Law of Threefold Return and the command to harm none are not what you think they are. Look deeper. There are hidden depths in Wicca—the real mysteries—that you won't find in books. Even the best books (and human teachers) are only starting points. The Goddess(es) and God(s) are doorways. Nature is an infinite kingdom. Magic is a living thing. Find out what all this means on your own, firsthand. Never stop reading, experimenting, invoking, learning, listening, and falling in love with everything.
5. "Live and let live. Freely take and freely give." Seriously. The Rede Poem (as cornball as it is) has a kind of rural English wisdom embedded in it that will keep you out of a lot of trouble. Meditate on those suggestions and you will advance in the Craft. Do not take them as commandments or you will turn into something you dislike.
6. Self-initiation is the only true initiation. Sure you can receive an energetic transmission through various large traditional initiatory rituals. You can be initiated into a coven and / or a tradition. But what do you do with that lineage and magical current when you receive it? True self-initiation is the answer to that question. As a priest (of something decidedly not in any way Wiccan), I used to explain that initiation means (1) getting more mature in your beliefs and practices and as a person; (2) getting deeper insight and broader perspective; and (3) getting power. It's up to you to walk the path so well that you naturally get such things. No one can do it for you. No ritual can instantly gift you with these. Scott Cunningham is right about this when he says that "Initiation is a process, gradual or instantaneous, of the individual's attunement with the Goddess and God. Many of the Wicca readily admit that the ritual initiation is the outer form only. . . . Since this is so, 'real' Wiccan initiation may take places years before the student contacts a Wiccan coven or teacher. Is this initiation less effective or less genuine because the person hasn't gone through a formal ritual at the hands of another human being? Of course not" (Wicca: a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, 80).
7. Wicca will take on the trends of the day. It will shift and change to accommodate new cultural values, identities, and taboos. This is both a strength and a weakness. Gay Wicca, for example, is valid. Dianic female-only Wicca is valid. Trans Wicca is valid. Straight cis-Wicca is valid. Wicca that takes inspiration from a particular culture or time is valid. It all works and there's room for everyone—as long as you're not using a label (or identity) that someone else is trying to (re)claim. Then you need to respect them and their struggle and see if some other form of Wiccan inspiration would be more appropriate for you ("An it harm none, do as ye will."). See #5 above.
8. Wiccans will never escape the good ideas of Aleister Crowley, even if they are wise enough to discard his bad ones. His best idea might be: "Love is the law." Love is the universal binding agent between all things. If you can practice Wicca from the standpoint of love—as they say, "in perfect love and perfect trust"—you will be invincible and a true avatar of the gods. I do not write this sentence lightly. Doing this is very, very hard because it is no less than a challenge to become, in your own spiritual way, like a bodhisattva. Wicca is not Buddhism, but if you read about what a bodhisattva is and does, you will get an idea of what a Wiccan can become. I am not there yet. But I think about this often. You may, at some point, wish to take your own "bodhisattva vow" in love and trust, and dedicate yourself to a much harder and purer form of Wicca.
9. You reach a point on the Wiccan path where compassion radiates from you and you are in harmony with your life. This does not mean you won't have problems or won’t have to put your pants on one leg at a time in the morning. It means that you're not as obsessed with (and tormented by) yourself. You are looking outward at the world like a child—far more interested in it than in your own reflection. And you can admit that you care about others because you've started to see that there isn't much difference between you and them. This is not enlightenment in the eastern esoteric sense. But it is a form of grace that every religion and magical-religious system offers at a certain point. When you feel this, you will know a form of transcendent unselfish love. And then you will also know that you have been self-initiated, attuned in the sight of the gods, and you are truly adept.
10. No one is inherently unworthy, failed, or broken. Accept that you are exactly when, where, and
how you need to be right now. The world
would not be the same without you. And
there are many, many beings surrounding you and trying to care for you. Part of the Wiccan path means realizing this
in increasingly tangible ways. You are a
beautiful, miraculous syncronicity. The
practice of Wicca can show you this, which may be its most valuable gift and