31 October 2022

Sorcery for Hire: the Ins and Outs (Part 2)


When I was doing sorcery for hire, I never talked about the particulars of client issues in public and just because I got pissed off from time to time didn't mean I was going to betray a client’s trust.  But still, something has to be said: being a client is not a passive game.  It doesn’t mean that for $100 or $150, you’ve bought the rights to your spiritual worker’s life.  It only means one thing: this person will make the products or take the actions that he or she promised.

No spiritual worker can give you an airtight guarantee.  What he or she can do is the agreed-upon work as well as talk about past success rates, provide a timeline for signs / movement / manifestation, teach the client how to back up the work on his or her end, and give good advice about the situation.  We can be honest and up-front about what magic is and is not from our learned perspectives.  And that is all. Take a second and read the previous paragraph again.

First, you need to understand that obsessed and / or deranged clients are a problem that each spiritual worker must handle.  Obsessed and / or deranged clients tend to run from reader to reader and from worker to worker hoping against hope that someone will fix their issue. These people won’t take no for an answer, and if you are the one who gives them a timeline for the work or who honestly tells them “this work won’t succeed,” they may bad-mouth you and say you are “not strong enough” or they may keep running from worker to worker until their money runs out and then start bad-mouthing conjure or magic in general, saying “it’s all a scam.” This is not true of ALL clients, but we have all noticed the phenomenon, and some of us don’t like dealing with obsessed and / or deranged clients.

But it’s true that clients sometimes don’t listen when you say that the problem might take longer than the client wants it to take. Yes, it might take some time!  Magic is rarely in harmony with the culture of instant gratification.  As I once tried to explain to a new client who came to me with an extremely distrustful attitude: we do magic to have a spiritual connection, to shift probabilities and perceptions.  This is what generates results.

If you come to a spiritual worker with the thought in your mind that she’s going to defraud you, what do you think that does for the spiritual energy being generated on your behalf?  Did you think you had nothing to do with the working?  Wrong.  You are as much a part of it as the practitioner you hire. When a client would email me continuously, distrustfully, lusting for results and paranoid that I haven’t written back when, in fact, the magic needed time to work, it burdened the relationship with a massive amount of negativity.  Don’t be that kind of client.  If you’re going to pay someone to do traditional rituals for you—whether it’s conjure, evocation, or some other thing—be classy about it.

Don’t obsess about the money or the work done will be primarily about that.  Be relaxed and open to the possibilities. Most of my long-term clients were fantastic.  But every spiritual worker has to deal with the obsessive / deranged lot from time to time.  I guess it’s an occupational hazard.