27 March 2023

Fix Your Love Life with Sorcery: a Comprehensive Outline


You’re lonesome and you want some companionship.  Here’s a formula for getting it in a way that won’t bring destruction and grief into your life.  It’s better than a one-off love spell of the sort that’s likely to mess you up.  This outline involves more than just a ritual in your basement—because authentic change demands self-change.  Follow these steps and notice that we don’t get to the actual ritual magic until the end, which is quite simple and direct.  

This praxis always works, but it is work.  And it will change your life.  If you want to skip down to the ritual, be my guest.  But know that, although it can succeed without the other parts, the ritual will take the path of least resistance and bring someone into your life as soon as possible.  The other parts are designed to make what the ritual brings be good, healthy, and satisfying—while giving you a lot of additional benefits and powers.  Just doing a love spell is like dialing a random number and asking that person to come over for tea.  It might be good.  You might get a serial killer.  Be warned.

Fix Your Physicality: cardio is more important than weights, but they work well together. You don’t need to run marathons.  You just need to be fit.  I am personally a fan of the USMC physical fitness program.  But find what works for you.  Joining a gym and going every day is more than acceptable.  Martial arts are wonderful.  Yoga and isometrics.  Mountain biking.  You decide.  Just remember: cardio and some form of resistance to build muscle.  And practice daily hygiene.  If you do this, people will eventually want to fuck you. 

Fix Your Finances: if you’re over the age of 18 and living in a western country, you need some sort of income stream.  Yes, it means a job.  This is material for a separate post, but for our purposes here, just focus on getting work that doesn’t drive you crazy or make you exhausted.  You don’t work to be happy at first.  You just work to survive.  Then you can figure out how to get a better job or modify your current job to get more satisfaction.  This will also give you many, many other benefits and lessons.  And mundane work, even if it doesn’t seem like it on the surface, is pure magic.  If you’re a college student living off loans, college is your job.  College, done mindfully, is also a deep form of magic. 

The bottom line is that you need a little (not a lot of) money to carry on a relationship.  You need to be a responsible person if you want people to respect you and if you want to respect yourself.  You even need money for a one-night stand.  You don’t have to be rolling in it.  But you do need some.

Fix Your Personality: no one will want to be near you if you radiate depression and desperation.  You need to be socially happy and funny in order to be charming.  And you need to be charming for people to feel like you have something to offer beyond a one-night hookup.  You may think you might not know how to be happy and funny, but that’s only because you’re afraid. 

Learn to be socially happy by finding something you can do with others that you enjoy.  This can be a sport, a hobby, whatever.  Join a choir.  Take bowling lessons.  Take a massage class.  It doesn’t matter.  The point is that you have to enjoy it and you have to be able to do it with others.  I’m not going to put down video games; they’re a wonderful way to unwind.  But video gaming with others does not count. 

Online gaming posits too many layers of technological mediation between people.  You need to be physically present so you can have nonverbal communication replete with pheromones and body language, even with people you are not romantically interested in.  This is essential.  If all you want to do is relate to people in your MMO raiding group, you don’t need sorcery.  You just need a computer.  Conversely, those who find love, do so more effectively by going old-school: learn to relate to your body and its chemistry and to other people’s bodies and their chemistries in real space and time.  Be present.  Give your Steam account a rest.

Learn to be funny by developing the ability to laugh in a non-cruel way.  Everyone develops cruel laughter as a kid.  It’s a weapon.  But very few people will desire someone who uses that childish weapon with impunity (or at all).  Instead, learn to laugh at the absurdity of life for its own sake.  Laugh with people, not at them. 

Watch a bunch of stand-up comedians.  Find the ones that annoy you the least and try to understand why they’re funny (why people in the audience are laughing).  This can be a hard study for some people.  Even more challenging: if you want to up your game considerably, read Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More than IQ by Ray Goleman, Yes, And: How Improvisation Reverses "No, but" Thinking and Improves Creativity and Collaboration - Lessons from the Second City by Kelly Leonard, and Truth in Comedy by Charna Halpern.  Really advanced: practice regular “laughter meditation.”  If that seems crazy and impossible, learn a little more about it in this old BBC spot with John Cleese.

If you can learn to laugh in a non-cruel way, you will know how to be funny from time to time without forcing it.  Most people say that someone with a great sense of humor (i.e. their sense of humor) is highly attractive.  This is your work.

Fix Your Spirituality: I make sacrifices and offerings to dark gods at night.  During the day, I try to practice compassion and avoid hurting others.  It may seem like these are at odds, but they really aren’t.  A mature spiritual practice embraces the totality of the human condition, the dark and the light, the negative and the positive. 

For example, if you consider yourself a theistic Satanist or a demonolator and you only relate to non-STEM aspects of life in an adversarial way because that’s the aesthetic of your belief system, you need to improve it.  That means you need to understand how a mature Satanist can have a lot of friends.  It means that even though you’ve pledged your soul to Asmodeus, you’re not using that as an excuse to avoid making yourself socially vulnerable.  Don’t be a cliché and fall into the trope of the angry, friendless occultist in the basement—the magical incel (or femcel).  The most advanced spiritual practitioners are magnetic.  People seek them out.  They have more friends than they will ever need—not because they put the root on everyone they know, but because they are charismatic and kind.

If you practice dark rites and adversarial individualism, you need to add in some light.  I recommend you read and adapt methods from The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions by Greg Marcus, Creating True Peace by Thich Nhat Thanh, and / or The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook by Kristin Neff.  If you practice something with a lot of love and light and community, you need to add in some darkness.  I recommend Dark Goddess Craft by Stephanie Woodfield, Uncle Setnakt’s Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path by Don Webb, and / or How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne.

Do a Simple Ritual: having studied all these things and improved yourself, you are radiating attractiveness, balance, charm, and wisdom.  People will already be drawn to you.  And the magic will be easy at this point.  You won’t need much.  On a Friday when the moon is waxing, get a red glass novena candle.  Dress the top with rose oil.  On a piece of paper write, “Love and sex come to me.”  Fold the paper towards you in half and put it under the candle.  Light the candle and invoke your love entity of choice.  If you don’t have one, Venus is always listening.  You could do worse than reciting the Orphic hymn to Aphrodite over the candle with sincerity.

Orphic Hymn to Aphrodite (#55)


Heavenly, smiling Aphrodite, praised in many hymns,

sea-born, revered goddess of generation, you like the nightlong revel

and you couple lovers at night, O scheming mother of Necessity.

Everything comes from you; you have yoked the world,

and you control all three realms. You give birth to all,

to everything in heaven, upon the fruitful earth

and in the depths of the sea, O venerable companion of Bacchos.

You delight in festivities, O bridelike mother of the Erotes,

O Persuasion whose joy is in the bed of love, secretive, giver of grace,

visible and invisible, lovely-tressed daughter of a noble father,

bridal feast companion of the gods, sceptered she-wolf,

beloved and man-loving giver of birth and of life,

with your maddening love-charms you yoke mortals

and the many races of beasts to unbridled passion.

Come, O goddess born in Cyprus, whether you are on Olympos,

O queen, exulting in the beauty of your face,

or you wander in Syria, country of fine frankincense,

or, yet, driving your golden chariot in the plain,

you lord it over Egypt’s fertile river bed.

Come, whether you ride your swan-drawn chariot over the sea’s billows,

joying in the creatures of the deep as they dance in circles,

or you delight in the company of the dark-faced nymphs on land,

(as, light-footed, they frisk over the sandy beaches).

Come, lady, even if you are in Cyprus that cherishes you,

where fair maidens and chaste nymphs throughout the year

sing of you, O blessed one, and of immortal, pure Adonis.

Come, O beautiful and comely goddess;

I summon you with holy words and pious soul.


Translation by A. Athanassakis

Burn the candle for 15 minutes a day until there’s nothing left.  On the day you start, go to your calendar.  Put a note in for three days from now, three weeks from now, and three months from now.  These are your check-in moments.  Do not think about this work except on those days.  If it comes to mind, say to yourself, "I am pleased with my progress and will check in with it on the appropriate days."  Then go about your business.  Continue all the non-ritual practices given above (the exercise, the spiritual development, the emotional development, the income).


In less than 1 year but probably within 3-6 months of you starting this work, you will find love and sex.  In a future post, I’ll write about how to deal with getting what you want.